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Our Top Tips for Implementing Manned Guarding

The physical presence of an on-site security guard can never be underestimated. Many small and large businesses depend on security guards to keep their buildings, assets and people safe around the clock, however, there can be no one-size-fits-all solution. There are various aspects to consider when implementing manned security guarding, and we’ve detailed the key areas below.


Review your manned security services protocols regularly

No matter how well you think your security protocol is designed, it’s always important to review it regularly and make changes as necessary. Security threats are constantly evolving, so you need to ensure your security measures remain up to speed with new risks, guidance and regulations.


Train your staff on security procedures

Your employees will always be the first line of defence when it comes to security. Make sure they are trained on the proper procedures and know what to do in the event of a security breach. This includes responsibilities like identifying fake badges or how to respond in the event of a breach. By ensuring everyone is familiar with the basics of security, you can help to minimise the risk of an incident occurring.


Carry out a risk analysis

It’s essential to undertake a risk analysis before committing to any security-based solutions; this can be done in-house or by an external provider like Intraguard. A risk analysis should take all potential threats and risks that might affect your business and the safety of your people, evaluate the likelihood and severity of each prospective incident, whilst making recommendations for mitigating them.


Ensure the perimeter is secured

One of the most critical aspects of manned security is ensuring that the perimeter of your site is secure. This means installing fencing or gates and manning them with security personnel to keep unauthorised people out. Ensure that fences are tall enough to deter intruders, with adequate security lighting and CCTV cameras to provide an extra level of security.


Install high-quality CCTV systems

It’s so important to have CCTV in place, but the quality of your equipment is crucial too. With HD or 4K cameras placed in critical areas around the site to monitor activities, the footage you collect can prove to be especially valuable. Also, suppose there are additional manned guards at the front gate of your site. In that case, you deter more opportunistic and sophisticated criminals whilst you’re showing extra layers of protection on top of CCTV.


Have incident response protocols in place

No matter how good your security is, incidents are going to happen. When they do, it’s crucial to have protocols in place for how you will respond. This includes having a designated team or individual responsible for handling incidents and protocols for the actions that must be taken. For example, who will respond if an incident occurs outside of regular business hours? Having these plans in place will help minimise the damage caused by an incident.


Count on licenced and registered contractors

When it comes to security, it’s essential to use only SIA licensed and registered contractors. Otherwise, you could be putting yourself at risk for not only break-ins but also lawsuits. By using licensed security guards like Intraguard, you can avoid these issues by ensuring that all work is completed to code.


Implement a sign-in and sign-out policy

Another way to tighten up your security is by implementing a sign in and out policy. This will help to keep track of who is coming and going from the premises. It can also be helpful to have someone stationed at the door who can verify the identity of visitors. When security staff spot unauthorised visitors, they will ask them to leave and deter criminal activity such as theft, vandalism and assault.


Proactively monitor active areas

It’s also vital to be proactive about monitoring active areas. This means keeping an eye on entrances, exits, and other high-traffic areas. Having security cameras in these areas can help deter criminals and provide footage if an incident does occur. That said, nothing comes close to manned guarding in this respect. Your customers and staff will feel more reassured too, knowing your business has put measures in place to remain safe and vigilant.


Choose a bespoke service

Security systems do not come as a one size fits all solution. Instead, it’s essential to be specific and realistic about the threats you are facing and how to address them. This way, your system can be tailored to mitigate those risks. For this reason, it’s helpful to talk with a security expert who can advise you on the best way for your business to proceed in terms of security. At Intraguard, we have an excellent understanding of current trends, and we already know what other companies in similar positions and locations are doing.

We can help you make an informed decision about how to move forward with the best possible security strategy. To learn more about us and how we can help you, please call Intraguard today on 0333 888 0247.