Fire Watch Services & Marshaling 

Fire Marshaling services are an important risk control measure to ensure your property or workplace is prepared should there be an emergency, potentially a fire. Intraguard can assist in implementing and improving emergency procedures at your property. We prevent emergencies by monitoring the appropriateness of fire risk control measures. Our fire watch service is specifically tailored to those who have a high risk to the threat of a potential fire. So if you are exposed to heat more so than other professions or building sites, than our service is relevant for your requirements. To provide a definition, a fire watch security guard / marshal is someone who is completely responsible of monitoring all aspects of fire risks, keeping an eye out for this and to make sure that the correct procedures are carried out at all times. For this role, you’d need someone who is experienced and competent to carry out the necessary duties.


When is a Fire Watch Guard Required?

If your site is void of having functional fire alarms or water protection systems for whatever reason, our experienced guards can be on hand to provide the relevant service and patrolling to ensure your premises is safe at all times. Such guards can be on hand for a variety of situations where there is an increased exposure to heat or jobs that involve an array of heated type scenario’s.

Essentially, with our fire watch security services, you’ll be getting two in one! A security guard and a fire safety watch guard for the price of one! Call us today to see how we can help your business and premises.


Get in touch today

If you’re looking for a fire watch warden, Intraguard will work with you to see what your requirements are, and provide the necessary plans and procedures together to comply with the Fire Safety Compliance act. Get in touch today and our team will advise you.