Our complaints policy:
We are committed to providing a high-quality service to all our clients. When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that:
- Complaints are investigated thoroughly and fairly
- Anyone making a complaint receives a prompt and fair response
- Matters are put right wherever possible
- There is learning from complaints and improved service we provide to the clients, their staff and their service users.
Definitions of a complaint:
A written or oral expression of dissatisfaction with the service we provide. A complaint may be informal or formal depending upon the wishes of the client making the complaint.
Definitions of an Issues/concerns:
A written or oral expression of dissatisfaction with the service provided (or not provided) or the circumstances associated with its provision, but which can be resolved within 12-48 hours from the complaint being made, without the need for formal investigation and formal correspondence.
Complaints dealt with outside of this policy
There are a number of circumstances when issues may be handled under a different set of policies and procedures, and the complaints policy may not apply. These are:
Staff who wish to raise concerns related to their employment can do so through the Whistle Blowing Policy
Methods of raising a complaint
Complaints can be made to the Managing Director (contracts manager, HR Manger or Operations manager) either verbally, or in writing, by email, or letter.
All complaints will be acknowledge and confirmation of receipt will be sent.
Complaints can be made at hr@intraguard.co.uk or over the phone 0207 183 5016.
Formal Complaints
Acknowledging the complaint
Managing Director (Contracts Manager, HR Manager or the Operations Manager) will write an acknowledgment email to the complainant within 24 Hours of the receipt of the complaint.
Initial investigation
Each complaint made will be investigated by Managing Director (contracts manager/Supervisors or Operations Manager).
The Investigation
Investigations need to collect and examine evidence which may include:
- Carrying out interviews
- Examining written and electronic records
- Carrying out site visits
The Response
Responses will be drafted and sent within 48 hours. In the event of any anticipated delay the Investigating Officer will speak to the client/complainant, explaining the reasons for the delay.
When someone makes a complaint, they have the right to a response which explains how their concerns have been resolved and what action has been taken.
Complaints Reporting
All information about formal and informal complaints are recorded in Complaint and Compliment Register.
Managing Director (Compliance Manager) will monitor all outstanding complaints within the services to ensure that responses are made within the required timescale and analyse the trends in issues raised formally or informally will also be monitored.
Information monitored will include:
- The numbers of complaints received
- The percentage of those complaints to which a response was made within 48 Hours
- Subjects and sub subjects of complaint
- Trends, lessons learned and key service concerns
- The status of action plans and service changes resulting from complaints
All Intraguard Limited staff would be responsible for ensuring access to the complaints process, reporting complaints to managing director and providing information for use in customer complaint investigations. All staff should demonstrate that we are responsive to and welcome feedback.