Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy Introduction
This anti-bribery and Corruption policy act as a source of information and guidance for those working for Intraguard Limited and provide them the guidance on the standards of behaviour to which we must all adhere and most of these reflect the common sense and good business practices that we all work to in any event.
Intraguard Limited Statement
As part of the commitment, all forms of bribery and corruption are unacceptable and will not be tolerated.
Who is covered in this Policy:
The fundamental standards of integrity under which we operate do not vary depending on where we work or who we are dealing with. This policy applies to all Intraguard Limited security officers, employees (full and part time) and suppliers’ staff.
Employees will be required to confirm that they have read and understood the policy and that they comply with its terms as part of their ongoing employment assessment processes.
In addition, relevant employees will be required to attend training to support the guidance in this policy.
What is Bribery and Corruption:
- When a financial or other advantage is offered, given or promised to another person.
- When a financial or other advantage is requested, agreed to be received or accepted by another person.
- Unreasonable gifts, entertainment, or hospitality;
- Kickbacks;
- Unwarranted allowances or expenses;
- Facilitation payments made to perform the normal job more quickly;
- Political/charitable contributions;
- Anything else of value.
This policy applies to both the public and private sectors where we provide services or participate in tender to provide services.
Intraguard Limited will not tolerate any act of bribery or corruption. Any breach of this policy or local law could result in disciplinary action being taken and ultimately could result in dismissal.
Giving gifts or hospitality is often an important part of maintaining and developing business relationships. However, all gifts and hospitality should be for a genuine purpose, reasonable, given in the ordinary course of business.
Giving lavish or unreasonable gifts given are unacceptable as they can create the impression that we are trying to obtain favourable business treatment by providing individuals with personal benefits. In addition, gifts and hospitality can themselves be a bribe.
A bribe does not actually have to take place – just promising to give a bribe or agreeing to receive one is prohibited.
All employees and those under our control are equally responsible for the prevention, detection, and reporting of bribery and other forms of corruption. They are required to avoid any activities that could lead to, or imply, a breach of this anti-bribery policy.
If suspected that an instance of bribery or corruption has occurred or will occur in the future that breaches this policy, it must be notified to the Managing Director.
Managing Director is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of this policy and will review the implementation of it on a regular basis and will assess its suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. Any need for improvements will be applied as soon as possible.
Employees are encouraged to offer their feedback on this policy if they have any suggestions for how it may be improved. Feedback of this nature should be addressed to the Managing Director.
This policy does not form part of an employee’s contract of employment and Intraguard Limited may amend it at any time so to improve its effectiveness at combatting bribery and corruption.