Security Reception

Why is Corporate Security Essential?

Corporate security refers to the strategies used to avoid situations that could threaten a company. This may include preventive measures like security guards, CCTV, alarms and access control systems.

In essence, corporate security prevents a wide range of workplace crimes, such as thefts, property damage, violent crime, fraud and assaults. Businesses of all sizes and sectors are susceptible to crimes that could pose harm to staff or customers and also damage the reputation of the company.

The threat of burglary or vandalism is evident, however, not many small businesses are familiar with the hidden dangers of sabotage, industrial espionage and terrorism. Companies often overlook security concerns when budgeting for new facilities or equipment. Yet providing ready access to their building can pose significant risks, meaning many smaller firms often fail to consider the potential costs of security breaches on their businesses. Corporate security is the solution, but every organisation’s strategy will be unique, most likely balancing physical security measures with cybersecurity.

Failures in identifying existing and emerging vulnerabilities can lead to severe problems that threaten your financial status and the health and safety of employees. Therefore, securing your company against crime must begin with an assessment of criminal threats specific to your geographic area. From there, you will plan appropriate security measures, personnel and policies. The following are some of the more common criminal activities that threaten business owners.


Theft of physical property

It’s a significant concern for any business. Whether you’re looking to protect your stock, equipment, vehicles or confidential information, it’s crucial to have adequate protection in place to minimise the threat of theft. Robbery is a form of robbery through force or intimidation and can take many forms such as armed hold-ups, kidnappings, car thefts and ambushes. These crimes can involve violence (or threats of violence) against employees or customers and often result in serious injuries or fatalities if employees fail to comply with demands. Robberies involving large sums of money sometimes utilise weapons to intimidate victims into quickly complying with demands, aiding in their escape from the scene before law enforcement authorities arrive. There is no simple off-the-shelf solution to stop all forms of theft. You need to assess the risks you face from internal theft to external and look at how you can maximise protection. This may involve installing CCTV cameras with remote monitoring in place or combining this service with manned guards and mobile patrols.



Theft isn’t the only downside to having employees that carelessly handle your finances. If they are sloppy, you could be hit with extortionists demanding money for not exposing certain information. For example, an employee who handles sensitive documents may take them home and leave them unsecured in their personal computer or printing device. An extortionist intercepts the data and sends a letter stating that he will expose all of the sensitive information to the public eye if he is not paid. Again, there is no simple answer to this problem either, as it depends on how well organisations protect against internal theft. However, several steps can ensure that this doesn’t happen too often.



According to recent government figures, four in ten businesses (39%) and a quarter of charities (26%) report having cyber security breaches or attacks in the last year. Cybercrime now costs the UK economy at least £27 billion, an average of £540 per man, woman and child. UK cybercrime is now overtaking traditional crime in terms of committed offences. Many different forms of cybercrime affect businesses, such as phishing, malware attacks, ransomware attacks, and drive-by downloads. At Intraguard, we provide managed network and security operations. Our services include quickly uncovering new, unknown methods of attack. We report conspicuous activities that indicate a data attack or immediately detect other anomalies, supporting you in patch management of your systems, networks, firewalls and datacentre to eliminate potential dangers preventively.


Fraud/white-collar crime

Many firms fall victim to fraudulent activity, and it’s not just the financial losses that have a severe impact. Customers and clients may lose trust in the integrity of your business systems and brand. Fraud can have a devastating effect on company morale too. For example, if it’s found that staff in senior positions perpetrated fraud, then trust in the organisation amongst the workforce at large can be severely diminished


Unethical business conduct

A fundamental underpinning of most businesses is integrity. Any perceived lack of integrity can damage the company’s brand, customer relations and morale. There are also legal implications in some countries if it’s found that a firm didn’t have appropriate internal control systems in place to prevent unethical business conduct — which encompasses anything that falls below minimum standards for business code of conduct.


Workplace violence

Employees are often the first line of defence in keeping an organisation secure. If employees are not held accountable for maintaining a workplace free from violence, threats or intimidation, they may be more likely to target their peers for financial gain. Workplace violence takes on many forms and can increase insurance premiums cause worker distress and a loss of productivity, all adding up to increased overall costs within the business.

As you can see, corporate security is critical. It’s crucial to ensure you have a security strategy in place that mitigates many of the threats we’ve detailed above and helps your company thrive, with excellent protection in place around the clock.

If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of truly tailored corporate security services, please get in touch with our experienced management team today on 0333 888 024.